About Us

Company Profile


In Egypt the agricultural sector is the backbone of the economy. It absorbs about 36% of the total employment and contributes to about 17% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Agriculture is also considered to be the main supplier for basic goods. As a result, the quest to bring new land under cultivation has been a cornerstone of Egyptian agricultural policy since the 1950s. The Egyptian government has undertaken an extensive program to reclaim desert lands and establishing new communities. The target is to increase the cultivated area in order to upgrade the agricultural production and exports, create new job opportunities and reorganize population distribution by encouraging people to migrate from a rather narrow valley to the new lands.


Consequently, Ragheb Deifalla Group took the initiative, since 1984, the group established Deifalla Agricultural Co with an initial area of 600 acres of land in the Nobaria area – a newly reclaimed desert area north of Cairo -that is almost 76 km distance from Alexandria-. The main activities of Deifalla during this period were land reclamation and cultivation of fruits & vegetables to satisfy local and Arab countries markets.

As export became a national target, Deifalla has intensified investments in cultivating products for export to countries all over the world especially to the European Union such as citrus, grapes, peaches and mangoes. A part from this, modern pack-houses have been established to complete the production circle for exported products.

Thanks to the foresight of the management and the continued hard work, today, Nubafarm -Ex. Deifalla- owns and manages almost 2,000 acres in Egypt with products planted for export to countries all over the world in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Far East, Russia and Finland.

In 2008 the company changed the legal form of Deifalla from A partnership Company into a Joint Stock Company with the name: Nubafarm Agricultural Development Co which is considered the second generation of Ragheb Deifalla agricultural group of companies to start a new stage of progress by beginning a new phase of expansion in all areas of agriculture and export.

Social responsibility

Since it’s foundation on 1984 Nubafarm is committed to high standards of ethical, social and environmental responsibility. This commitment encourages adopting continuous development and improvement of production on all levels of the production process. The aim is to provide a sustainable increase in the quality of Egyptian fresh products required for domestic and international markets, with a clear focus on making all its operations to achieve optimal efficiency and reduce the impact of agricultural work on environment and health and safety of workers.

Enviromental Responsibility


As an agricultural company, Nubafarm is committed to sustainable agriculture and encourages the implementation of Integrated Crop Management (ICM) which is a common-sense approach that combines the ecological care of a diverse and healthy environment with the economic demands of agriculture.

Within its ecological care of a diverse and healthy environment; Nubafarm’s environmental policy covers the following issues:

  • The application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the rational use of chemical control to protect the environment and the natural enemies of harmful insects.
  • Rational use of fertilizers and manures.
  • Pollution prevention.
  • Re-cycling and re-use of materials.

Occupational Health $ Sefaty

Nubafarm is committed to protecting human health and safety of its employees, contractors, subcontractors and visitors in the workplace through:

  • Prevention of environmental pollution as well as maintaining health and safety for all employees and customers.
  • Commitment in our factory and production circles with all applicable laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety requirements.
  • The company devotes its efforts to apply the methods and strategies to prevent or reduce risks.
  • Identification of safety and occupational health goals and periodically revise it.
  • Continuous improvement in the performance of safety and occupational health.

Our Mission

Nubafarm is committed to meet the following:

  • Any ethical, legal, customer, and any other requirements.
  • Establishing and maintaining a brand name of excellence for all of its Egyptian fresh produce worldwide.
  • Producing high quality, safe and healthy products.
  • Exceeding customers’ expectations.